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Back Pain, Collingwood, ON

HomeConditions TreatedBack Pain, Collingwood, ON

MLS laser therapy can be an effective treatment for alleviating both chronic and injury-related back pain.

Back pain can be caused by a number of things, including muscle strains and tears, soft tissue injuries, degenerative joint conditions, neurological conditions, and related inflammation. If you are suffering from either chronic back pain or pain caused by an injury, MLS laser therapy can prove helpful. At My Laser Pain Relief Centre, we help patients in the Collingwood, Ontario area experience rapid relief of pain and a strong anti-inflammatory effect. We recommend scheduling a consultation so your back pain can be assessed to determine the expected number of treatment sessions to bring you relief and help with healing.

Back Pain in Collingwood, Ontario

MLS laser therapy reduces inflammation and edema, which results in quick pain reduction and gives your body the chance to heal. If your back pain is related to muscles, ligaments, or tendons, you gain the added benefit of improved blood circulation so they can heal quicker. The bottom line is that laser therapy helps whether your back pain is due to injury or because of a condition that is worsened by reduced blood circulation, inflammation, or edema.

If you have been considering back surgery, we recommend trying MLS laser therapy first. There is a good chance you will get the pain relief you need, and if you do decide to have surgery, we can use laser therapy for the post-surgical pain and swelling, and it will speed the healing of the surgical wounds.

If you would like to know more about MLS laser therapy and how effective it can be for treating back pain, don’t hesitate to reach out to us to schedule a consultation.