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Hip Pain, Collingwood, ON

HomeConditions TreatedHip Pain, Collingwood, ON

There is no reason to suffer with hip pain when MLS laser therapy can provide you with relief.

Hip pain can be anything from an annoyance to something that keeps you awake at night and limits your mobility. There are many different reasons why hip pain happens, such as an injury that didn’t seem bad at the time but has worsened over the years or an alignment issue causing wear on the pelvis and hip. The body’s natural response to pain is inflammation, but that can result in pain and can also act to hinder healing. At My Laser Pain Relief Centre, we help Collingwood, Ontario area patients get on the road to feeling better. Hip pain is often reduced in just one or two sessions of MLS laser therapy, and with a few more, you could regain your mobility and a restful night’s sleep.

Hip Pain in Collingwood, Ontario

MLS laser therapy reduces inflammation, increases blood circulation, reduces edema, and reduces pain. It also speeds up healing for injury-related hip pain issues. Even chronic hip pain is no match for this non-invasive solution! Laser therapy is also an effective solution if your hip pain is related to arthritis. By reducing the pain, you can be more active, which is necessary for slowing the degenerative nature of arthritis. Since there are no known side effects of MLS laser therapy, it can be done whenever your arthritis flares up or if your hip pain returns.

If you are experiencing hip pain, please don’t continue to suffer needlessly. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation so we can assess your condition and address your questions about MLS laser therapy. You’ll find our laser therapy sessions are affordable and can be purchased in a package for additional savings. Call today to learn more.