Your neck pain level will be reduced or even eliminated pretty readily with our MLS laser therapy treatment plan.
Sometimes neck pain seems to come out of the blue, whereas at other times it starts out as a minor ache or even shoulder or arm discomfort and gets increasingly worse over time. It can also surface after a wrong movement, a fall, a vehicle accident, or another cause. The one thing that most types of neck pain have in common is that MLS laser therapy can be effective for temporary pain-relief and long-term healing. At My Laser Pain Relief Centre, we focus on reducing your pain, relieving inflammation, and restoring mobility that may have been affected by your neck pain.
Our laser therapy process has a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect on the tissues that may have been affected. You should see your pain level reduced or even eliminated pretty readily, and the treatment also kickstarts the healing process so you can achieve full recovery in most cases without the need for pharmacological or invasive surgical solutions. When you come in to see us to discuss your neck pain, we will assess your condition and advise you regarding a laser therapy treatment plan. The number of treatment visits varies from patient to patient, but more than 90 percent of our patients experience positive results with just 3 treatments and full results with 7 to 10 sessions. Acute conditions typically only require one phase of treatments, so you can expect your neck pain to be a thing of the past.
If you would like to learn more about our neck pain treatments, reach out to our Collingwood, Ontario office to schedule an initial consultation visit.