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Sciatica, Collingwood, ON

HomeConditions TreatedSciatica, Collingwood, ON

Our goal is to help you recover fully and put your sciatica pain behind you.

If you are suffering from sciatica or other back pain, you may have noticed that the pain can fluctuate from mild discomfort to being nearly debilitating on any given day. You might wonder why that would be the case. The answer can be found in how the levels of inflammation and edema affect different pain responses. Therefore, the key to controlling and reducing pain from sciatica is found in treatment plans that control inflammation and edema. At My Laser Pain Relief Centre in Collingwood, Ontario, we are proud to be a leader in laser pain therapy by utilizing the newest in MLS laser therapy. This technology is ideal for patients who have painful conditions, such as sciatica, that are worsened by inflammation and swelling.

Sciatica in Collingwood, Ontario

The causes for sciatica can vary, including having a herniated disk or bone spur that is compressing the sciatic nerve. Since there is the potential for nerve damage, it’s important to take action. Reducing swelling through laser therapy treatments can help you avoid experiencing more serious complications. Our goal is to help you recover fully and put your sciatica pain behind you. This outcome is actually more common than you might think. Depending on the cause of your sciatica and any steps you can take to prevent its return, you could easily move on to a pain-free life instead of considering sciatica a life-sentence like you may have thought.

Reach out to us today to schedule a free consultation to have your condition assessed and get answers to all your questions about how MLS laser therapy works and how it can help you achieve the relief that you deserve.