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Tennis Elbow, Collingwood, ON

HomeConditions TreatedTennis Elbow, Collingwood, ON

The MLS laser therapy we offer can be an effective treatment for tennis elbow, helping to promote tissue healing, reduce pain, and decrease inflammation.

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a fairly common condition that can cause pain around the outside of the elbow. It’s caused by inflammation of the tendons that connect forearm muscles to your elbow, and it’s estimated that between 1 and 3% of the population suffer from this specific type of tendonitis. What you may be surprised to learn is that only about 5% of tennis elbow cases actually stem from playing tennis — tennis elbow stems from repeated motions of the wrist and arm, so while it’s a common athletic injury, even non-athletes can suffer from it.

Tennis Elbow in Collingwood, Ontario

Common symptoms of tennis elbow include:

  • Pain and tenderness on the outer part of your elbow, which may also radiate down your forearm.
  • Weak grip strength, especially when you are shaking hands, holding objects, or making twisting motions, such as opening a jar.
  • Pain during arm activities, including lifting, gripping, or extending your wrist, such as when you raise something with your palm facing downward.

If you’re dealing with tennis elbow, our team at My Laser Pain Relief Centre would like to help alleviate your discomfort. We offer MLS laser therapy that can be an effective treatment for tennis elbow, helping to promote tissue healing, reduce pain, and decrease inflammation. MLS laser therapy offers several appealing benefits to other treatment options, including a faster recovery time, reduced need for pain management medications, and the fact that it is a non-invasive procedure that has no significant side effects.

Our providers will consult with you about the pain you are experiencing and develop a plan for treatment to help you regain pain-free mobility of your wrist and arm. We also offer treatment for a wide range of other musculoskeletal issues beyond tennis elbow, and we’re excited to help you live a more pain-free lifestyle. We’re proud to work with patients in and around the Collingwood, Ontario area, so reach out today to schedule a consultation with our skilled and compassionate team!