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Light Therapy, Collingwood, ON

HomeLaser Pain Therapy, Collingwood, ONLight Therapy, Collingwood, ON

We have invested in an effective, pain-free light therapy system called MLS laser therapy.

Light therapy is not a new concept, but the technology involved has definitely undergone a drastic transformation. At My Laser Pain Relief Centre in Collingwood, Ontario, we have invested in the innovative system of MLS Laser Therapy, which has benefits that low level laser therapy (LLLT) and high power (HP) class IV lasers cannot match.

Light Therapy in Collingwood, Ontario

LLLT is a relatively safe light therapy, but it requires far more treatment sessions than MLS laser therapy, and each one is far longer than the average 8 minutes that our sessions run. HP was developed with the expectation that the problems with LLLT would be overcome, but since the lasers are not controlled, tissue damage may result.

MLS light therapy is a multiwave locked system, which means it uses more than one wavelength, and with its patented control system, tissue damage is minimized. The synchronization of 808nm and 905nm therapeutic wavelengths has the benefit of providing anti-edemic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. This makes MLS laser therapy far superior to early-generation light therapy technologies.

We are more than happy to explain more about the safety, consistency, and efficacy of light therapy and assess whether it would be a good option for your specific condition. Call today to schedule an appointment if you are looking for an effective, pain-free treatment for arthritis, whiplash, tennis elbow, tendonitis, a sports injury, shoulder pain, plantar fasciitis, neck pain, knee pain, hip pain, golfer’s elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, or back pain.